December-January Federal Way Washington LDS Mission current
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year It is always good to begin a new year. As a mission we have set the goal for 365 baptisms this year. That is one a day. Last transfer our goal was 36 and we had 35 which made us very happy. It was our best transfer so far. Along with our fasting each day and receiving a “Fast Blast” twice weekly, we see our faith increasing and our work being blessed. The Lord has truly blessed our mission and our converts as they repent and prepare for the important covenant of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. We love seeing the light in their eyes increase as they come to a knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel. We invite all of you to pray with us for our goal of 365 of His sons and daughters to enter the waters of baptism this year. To help us achieve our goal, our zone conference in January focused on member work which includes working with bishops, ward mission leaders and...