
Showing posts from May, 2018

Federal Way Washington LDS Mission-Current Blog

April 2018 Time flies when you are having fun!  We are approaching our two year mark on July 1 st and what a mark it is turning out to be.  On that day the Washington Federal Way Mission will be eliminated.  Of our nine zones, three will go to the Tacoma mission and the remaining six will join with five from Seattle to become the new Seattle mission.  President Rasmussen will preside over the Seattle Mission for our last year of service here.  We have known of these changes since January but now it is becoming a reality.  It is going to be very difficult to part with about 40 of our missionaries going to President and Sister Leishman in Tacoma.  We have 128 missionaries currently and in Seattle we will have about 180.  It will be a blessing for us to associate and learn from the wonderful elders and sisters now serving with President and Sister Schofield.  The last week of June will be zone conference wi...