Washington Federal Way LDS Mission-Current Blog
President and Sr. Rasmussen's Message love m ission life more now that when we arrived a year ago, if that is possible. We marked our first One of the things I am still getting used to is the constant state of change the mission is in. More than half the mission has changed since we arrived a year ago. President Rasmussen made a list of all the missionaries present, past and those who are assigned here and will arrive by September. There are 320 so far! And we have 2 more years of service. Last weekend 5 returned missionaries visited us. We love seeing them and often their parents as they continue to be disciples of Christ. We learn so much from you as you serve with diligence and love for the Savior and the people here. On August 8th we are getting 24 new missionaries. This is great news as well as a challenge to call trainers for all of them. July was 11 new and September is at 24. We expected increased numbers this summer as school is out...