Washington Federal Way LDS Mission-Current Blog
President and Sr. Rasmussen's Message love mission life more now that when we arrived a year ago, if that is possible. We marked our first
One of the things I am still getting used to is the constant state of change the mission is in. More than half the mission has changed since we arrived a year ago. President Rasmussen made a list of all the missionaries present, past and those who are assigned here and will arrive by September. There are 320 so far! And we have 2 more years of service. Last weekend 5 returned missionaries visited us. We love seeing them and often their parents as they continue to be disciples of Christ. We learn so much from you as you serve with diligence and love for the Savior and the people here.
On August 8th we are getting 24 new missionaries. This is great news as well as a challenge to call trainers for all of them. July was 11 new and September is at 24. We expected increased numbers this summer as school is out and this is when many start their mission. These numbers have us thrilled! There is plenty of work to do and we love the strength and fire they bring to the mission field from the MTC. The only down side is we will be using paper plates as I don't have dishes for 30+ that will be at the arrival ner. Small sacrifice to pay for the blessing they are to our mission. This means it is “all hands on deck” to train.
On August 8th we are getting 24 new missionaries. This is great news as well as a challenge to call trainers for all of them. July was 11 new and September is at 24. We expected increased numbers this summer as school is out and this is when many start their mission. These numbers have us thrilled! There is plenty of work to do and we love the strength and fire they bring to the mission field from the MTC. The only down side is we will be using paper plates as I don't have dishes for 30+ that will be at the arrival ner. Small sacrifice to pay for the blessing they are to our mission. This means it is “all hands on deck” to train.
There is plenty of work to do and we love the strength and fire they bring to the mission field from the MTC. The only down side is we will be using paper plates as I don't have dishes for 30+ that will be at the arrival dinner. Small sacrifice to pay for the blessing they are to our mission. This means it is “all hands on deck” to train and support them. It takes a village to raise a child and an entire mission to train and support new missionaries. Please take the time to talk to and get to know them as they serve in your districts and zones. Learning from each other is one of the great blessings of missionary life. “Live and learn and pass it on” is a good motto for all of us.
Changing of the Guard:
It is sad to go and happy and apprehensive to come to the mission field. In this case we are grateful to the Nydeggers for their service. They have contributed so much to the mission office duties. Elder Nydegger on far right and Sr. Nydegger immediate left will be happy to be home.
Elder and Sister Leavit are taking their place. From Murray, Utah. Sr. Leavitt will run the office and Elder Leavit will oversee transportation and automobiles. Welcome!
It is so exciting to have new missionaries come into the field. Each new missionary is pared with a trainer who is their constant companion from 6-12 weeks. Then they move on to become junior companions and are then subject to transfers. Going on "splits" helps the them to work with different missionaries, learning new approaches and growing in testimony.
Our favorite miracle for the week was when we went to an apartment complex to tract, and we noticed a word, "Mark." So we looked in St. Mark in my Bible and this little girl walks up and asks us if we're lost. I say, "No, we're not lost, we're looking for something. Well I guess what we're looking for is someone who is prepared to receive a message about Jesus Christ. Do you know anybody like that?" The little girl thought and curled her finger at us, "follow me." After some walking and talking, she led us to a door and said, "don't let her know that I sent you, she cusses me out all the time." We knocked on the door and it turns out it was an inactive member who has been for 5 years but is just now trying to get back to church. We got her information to transfer her records and got a return appointment so that we can help make sure she makes a complete return. See? That's why you ask for referrals, so that God can send you someone to lead you to the prepared people! She's been to church and is reading the Book of Mormon daily and is praying several times a day, both with her part-member family!
Elder Bollwinkle
Group Hug: Parting is such sweet sorrow! One missionary
(Sr. Golden) leaving the mission
(Sr. Golden) leaving the mission
Many Missionaries Meeting together at church
Beautiful New August Sister Missionaries
Stripling Warriors - for we are the Lord's Missionaries!
P-day (Preparation), Keeping in Shape!
YSA (Young Single Adults) - Yummy Treats and Fun- Good Fellowship together
New missionaries for August
Back Row: Elders: Larkin, Holden, Brackner, Nielsen, Heal, Norman, Hulse, Sugihara, Novitis, Chelsey, Llewellyn, Hancock, Killpack, Cox and Nelson.
Front Row: Sisters: Unitt, Graff, Hardy, Pres, Willson, Morris, Curry, and Novis
August New Missionary Orientees
Some Come to the Mission and Some Go -Good bye to Sr. Beck
Sister Beck Leaves to go back to her home in Canada. She will be missed. She was funny and faithful! We loved her. We wish her the best!
Sister Beck served in the Washington Federal Way Mission for 18 months.She was one of 10 Seniors serving in the mission. She was assigned as mission support for the Skyway Ward. Her companion was Sister Stevenson.
The Senior sisters enjoyed each other's company and got together from time to time to socialize with a meal out or an occassional movie. Seniors are allowed to do this
Great cake and goodies for Sr. Beck's goodbye. Sr. Beck is cutting the cake and Sr. Johnson is helping to serve. We watched a great movie together and enjoyed our last get together with her in the mission field. She goes back to her native land.
Sr McClellen leaves us after her mission is completed.
Sister McClellan's Goodbye Dinner at Brother Joe Barber's. A recent convert in Enumclaw 1st Ward with Sr. Skousen
Health News:
Sister Ford-Trudo is our Nurse Specialist. She is a senior sister serving for 23 months in the mission. She offers advice and education based upon seasonal and situational need to the missionaries. At this time of the year heat exhaustion and hydration is a key health indicator, Sr. Ford-Trudo is there for all of the missionary's health needs.
I love ;your missionaries |
We encourage efficiency and obedience in their missionary work, and following the nurse's recommendations for their health issues. President and Sister Rasmussen and I are always looking for ways to be sure the health of your missionaries is protected.
Another Beautiful missionary Story-the value of the Book of Mormon in conversion.
Two of our missionaries were teaching a brother who had a very diverse lifestyle. He was argumentative with the missionaries and did not seem to progress very well. He was not reading the book of Mormon and kept saying that he just did not believe that the Book of Mormon was true. Finally the missionaries told him that they could no longer meet with him. He was not following up on the commitments that he made with them and after trying to help him in his progress for weeks and weeks, they just needed to move on to others that they needed to teach. They left him with a copy of the Book of Mormon and bore their testimony of the truthfulness of it and that it served as a second witness for Jesus Christ, and challenged him to read it and pray about it.. Then they left. Not too long after that they got a call from the Brother who was calling them from the Bishop's office. He had read the Book of Mormon, had gained a testimony of it and had already had his Bishop's interview and was going to be baptized in a very short time.He called them to let them know that now, after reading it and praying about it, he knew the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. The missionaries testimonies of the value of the Book of Mormon in creating converts was reinforced!
Devotional - Strong Testimonies Given by Newly Baptized Members
Keith Beard
We can know the truth of these things through the Holy Ghost.
Ash Ableman
Truth and Authority has been restored.
San Tran
We are literally children of a loving Heavenly Father
Bryson Doo
Christ provides the only way back to the Father
Influence of the Temple in Conversion
Two of our young Hermanas for our Spanish Speaking investigators told this beautiful story:
"In Graham, Washington my companion and I had the opportunity to teach Joey and Nazareth Soloman. They are brother and sister. They both accepted a baptism date, but later Nazareth said she needed a little more time. Joey, however kept on preparing for the date that was set. A few days before his baptism they all went to the Temple grounds with him and Nazareth and a few other members. We promised Nazareth that if she paid attention to her feelings while at the Temple, she would receive an answer as to whether or not she should be baptized. She called us the next day and ask us to give her another date to get baptized. So, Joey got baptized in a few days and then Nazareth was baptized later by her brother, Joey. It was such a priviledge to see them both grow and to witness them both live each principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ".
Hermanas Van Leuven and Short
So beautiful and inspiring! The Eclipse with the Salt Lake City Temple in the foreground and the Angel Moroni captured in this beautiful picture.
Lovely Sister Missionaries Mission South Temple Day -August
August Temple Day Mission South -all of the missionaries
Zone Leader's Reports:
Graham—Spanaway Elders: Focused this transfer on “Relying on the Lord” It has helped the work a lot! They saw miracles that they discussed each Saturday on a conference call . Sharing those miracles with everyone has helped them feel united and strengthened their faith. The Lord knows where they need to go, what they need to do, and what they need to say.
Enumclaw - As a zone last transfer, set a goal of 4 baptisms. At the time there were few on date. But after getting to work the hard work done last transfer set them up for success this transfer. This transfer they were able to help 5 people into the waters of baptism.
Federal Way - Goals were set to baptize a person a week and to help them yield their hearts to God. They were unable to meet that goal at that time, but this transfer they saw many miracles and were able to baptize 11 people.
Auburn - The goal was set to baptize 14 people. Fourteen seemed like a strange number but that was the number that prayer brought into their hearts. As of now 10 people have been baptized and three more are set to be baptized this weekend. They are excited. Fourteen was a big goal, but they know with Heavenly Fathers help it is achievable.
Puyallup - During this transfer good things have happened. One goal was a stretching goal for increased church attendance of our investigators. That goal was reached and surpassed. Another highlight was the baptism of Jessica Williams, a woman who had investigated the church for one and one half years.
Puyallup - During this transfer good things have happened. One goal was a stretching goal for increased church attendance of our investigators. That goal was reached and surpassed. Another highlight was the baptism of Jessica Williams, a woman who had investigated the church for one and one half years.
Puyallup South - We have been successful having a movie night where families can bring their friends to the church and watch a movie that is focused on drawing closer to Christ. We have been having a great time bringing our investigators to the movie each month. We were able to host the Devotional this month. We have many investigators come to hear the testimonies of those recent converts. YSA Elders have had a successful table at Pierce College and were able to find 5 new investigators when they went last. many good things continue to happen. We are very blessed.
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