
Showing posts from October, 2017

October Washington Federal Way LDS Mission Blog

Sr. Rasmussen's message to the Missionar ies in October Zone Conferences:   The Joys of a Clean and Organized Environment: I want to congratulate you on some things that we have done very well as a mission.  Being brave when you had your flu shots and car inspections!  Every zone conference I can’t wait to see how many A’s we have and the joy on your face when it is announced and you get 100 extra miles.  This is an example of how goal setting, planning and then carrying those plans out pays off.  Goal:  Get an A   Plan:  Clean our car on P-day, then keep it clean every day Reward:  A clean car, a happy missionary department, a happy Elder Leavitt, a happy President and Sister Rasmussen, 2 happy missionaries and 100 extra miles! A goal is not enough.  A plan is not enough.  You have to act on your plans to see the fruition of your goal followed by the rewards.  That is a pretty long and impressi...