October Washington Federal Way LDS Mission Blog
Sr. Rasmussen's message to the Missionaries in October Zone Conferences:
The Joys of a Clean and Organized Environment:
I want to congratulate you on some things that we have done very well as a mission. Being brave when you had your flu shots and car inspections! Every zone conference I can’t wait to see how many A’s we have and the joy on your face when it is announced and you get 100 extra miles. This is an example of how goal setting, planning and then carrying those plans out pays off.
Goal: Get an A
Plan: Clean our car on P-day, then keep it clean every day
Reward: A clean car, a happy missionary department, a happy Elder Leavitt, a happy President and Sister Rasmussen, 2 happy missionaries and 100 extra miles!
A goal is not enough. A plan is not enough. You have to act on your plans to see the fruition of your goal followed by the rewards. That is a pretty long and impressive list of rewards. Keep up the good work with your cars. If you are a B, just put that little bit of extra effort and get those 100 miles next time.
I just have this longing in my heart that missionaries will take the cleaning of their apartments as seriously as they have their cars. I know we can make the same huge stride in apartment cleanliness that we have seen in the cars in recent months. Please call me if you have any suggestions that would help us reach this goal. I am open to suggestions—short of getting the Merry Maids in there on P-day.
There are many who have very clean apartments and see the reward every morning when they get out of bed and start their day. That makes me very happy. Thanks for your diligence! Order is something very important in the church and the Kingdom of God. I congratulate you for putting in the effort so you are able to invite the Spirit to be with you always and see the blessings that come to your companionship from it.
The reward for a clean apartment might not be as tangible as 100 miles but is so much more important to your work. Having an environment welcoming to the Spirit is paramount to your being able to teach repentance and baptize converts. Having the Spirit with you is paramount to your being a happy missionary. Yes, you were called to teach repentance and baptize converts, but also to clean your cars and apartments. Let’s not let the Lord down in these areas.
Sister Rasmussen
Who is this mystery general authority in Church History?
Answer at the end of the blog.
Hint - He does not want to be forgotten
Sr. Olsen doesn't believe a word Elder Reynolds is saying!!!!! Fun Times at the Senior Missionary dinner to honor the new missionary coming into the mission and the ones leaving.
Welcome Sr. Brown. We are so glad to have you join us in the Washington Federal way Mission
Sr. Johnson (far Left)
Sr. Stevenson
We will miss you both so much!
Our prayers are with you on your next life's journey
President Rasmussen is a professional Turkey slicer, while Sr Rasmussen looks on to make sure he is followning Turkey slicing guidelines while Elder Reynolds makes sure it tastes just right!
Somehow I feel that Elder Reynolds is not getting my point says President Layman! Great after dinner conversation with some of the most seasoned and dedicated Senior missionaries.
Below: Sr. Leavett giving us a lecture, as only Sr. Leavett can. This lovely sister is lovingly crazy and makes us all laugh. Left to right (President Rasmussen, Sr Rassmussen, Sr. Johnson in the background, President Layman and Sr. Layman in the chair, Sr. Ford-Trudo (mission nurse) and Sr. Hoilday in the orange jacket
Temple Trips for those missionaries that are leaving is just right for a spiritual send off at the end of their missions. It is so rewarding for the mission Presidency to see how these wonderful young ones have matured and become such great leaders!
New October sisters coming into the mission field. - Hello to all of you - We had 26 new missionaries come in in October! What a great Day!
New Elder Missionaries that came in in October. What a fine young group of eager Helaman's missionary soldiers
Sr Hillier (in red) is Sr Felts trainer since Sr. Felt is a new October missionary. The mission provides training from an experienced missionary in all areas of mission life. The orientation and training period lasts about 3 months.
This photo was taken at a Young Single Adult activity.
Institute Training for Young Single Adults:
Elder and Sr. Olsen are so dedicated. They are manning a booth representing institute and many investigators are found because of their dedication and efforts.
Part of every missionaries day is required activity in the form of exercise. On P-day (Preparation Day) Elders get together to do these "manly things"
Elders: Higgenson, Corbett, Butterfield, Delp, Funk, and Sugihara - Testing their massive strength.
Part of the YSA Activities is always food that Elder and Sr. Olson always does an amazing job of producing for the bottomless appetites of the Elders and Sisters.
We know that it is important to keep the roads clean and that we need to do as much service as we can, but Sr. Reynolds is there anything you would not do to help out. Did you do your hand hygiene after this amazing, selfless act? By the way this is a very large racoon!
Health Tips from the Mission Nurse! It is Flu season again and Sr. Ford-Trudo has been training the Missionaries in their zone conferences in order for them to protect themselves from illness. We entered with flu shots provided for all missionaries who wished to have them.We caught some interesting photos as you will see below.
This wonderful water color was created by Elder Wilson. As you can see the "Frankenstein's Limeade" is just what we need to get rid of the "stuffy head syndrome". The original recipe was also created by Elder Wilson. We love and showcase our missionaries talents.
This very important information was one focus during our zone conference educational present for flu prevention.
My Mission President's wife, our MPW.
Sr. Everett!
This is a beautiful young Sister, but you can see the look of apprehension on her face. Flu shots made her very anxious. But she was looking up at Sr. Rasmussen who was holding her hand. The Mission President's wife is such a comfort in moments like this to these young missionaries. I loved catching this picture
Flu shot time:
Come on Guys, let's
get this flu shot thing over with!
We had a few crybabies, but it wasn't too bad, or was it? What a fun day!
Hee, Hee, this is fun! I am so
glad I got this shot! The pain
monster foiled again!
Gosh, Let's do this again! I am having fun!
Elder Fulmer -
You didn't give me time to get
ready. What's the deal here?
Elder Chesley
This shot-giver is mean! I am going to write home to mom about her!
Hermana Short, She speaks amazing Spanish!
Elder Cottrell is very stoic..behaved like a champ! Love it when this happens!
Well, I think it hurts, you mean it's done already?????
Ouch, This hurts worse than getting your foot caught in a closing door!
Caring companion- In zone conference we learned how important the companionship is. It is necessary for a successful mission. In good times and in bad times, the divine companionship makes it all better. Here Elder Palmer gives Elder Lyon companion support!
Bring on the big "guns" The Elders are very brave, I think????
Go Elder Chesley!
Elder Palmer: Where is your Divine Companion? Did he pass out?
Hey look at muscle man! He is leaving us soon. As an assistant to the President, He has been one of our amazing super heroes. Good Luck to you, Elder Palmer!
One of our newest Sister Missionaries - see how calm and relaxed she is.... Have fun St. Felt!
A Zone Leader must set a good example for those who follow his lead. Way to go Elder Fuller!
This good Elder will be leaving this month. He has served honorably, and has blessed many investigators and Elders with his good attitude and desire to serve.
Back to the Rodeo, Elder Payne!
Baptisms, the Best Part- what it is all about!
Sr. Broderick, Junior Companion ,
Sr. Pervis, trainer, and Sr Derieg
Baptism, the greatest day of all!
Sr Winder and Sr. Taylor reports on this baptism:
Taton Riley Welby
Sr. Winder loves the children's baptisms
This is the Kettrell family with Elder Bollwinkel
Elder Bollwinkel (center) and supporting Elders in attendance at the baptims
A fun idea for a missionary box. Christmas is coming soon!
Theme boxes are really fun to put together. Family members could all come up with an item that matches the theme and include it in the box along with a little happy note!
Lunch with the President!
At zone conferences the missionaries love to have lunch with the President. As the President goes from conference to conference he manages to reach every missionary in the zone. It is great time for training, encouraging, and loving each missionary!
Zone 1 Conference -October Auburn and Federal Way
Zone 2 Conference-October Puyallup and Enumclaw
Zone Conference 3-October Graham and South Hill
Zone Conference 4-October Kent and Renten
Mystery General Authority - Deiter Uchtdorft
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